Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Penangites Childhood Memories.... Part 2

1) Guli

- Personally i don't play guli, or bakuli. My dad will have the bakuli's in the fish aquarium for decoration purposes.

2) Toy plastic solders with flat bottom
- everybody gotta have some of this, most of the time the gun tip will be bent or sengek due to excessive "fighting" with other soldiers.

3) Yoyo
- I love Yoyo's, but i never seem to mastered it. There is one trick they called "walk the dog" which you let the yoyo keep spinning while touching the ground...i never succeed in doing that...sad sad..

4) Belon, gum blower.
- put some gum on the blower..blow has an addictive smell :p

5) 2 balls on a stick toy
- No idea what is the baby called....but i did own 1

6) Nintendo Era
- This is the famous Super Mario 2, you never played it? i feel sorry for you of the best and most original game of all time

7) Toy gun
- How this works is, you see those red rounded "ammunations" ? you place them on the barrel, the hammer will hit on it thus create a loud noise.

8) Cartoons
- Accompanied me through my Primary School days....Thunder Thunder ..Thunder...Thundercast...HHhooooooooOOoo


William Lee said...

Man, so awesome! That's like time traveling back to the younger days! How did you get those pictures?

I also spent a lot of time playing turn-based shooting game that involves using a mechanical pencil and sheet of paper with "objects" and "target"s drawn on it. The process of shooting is: have the mechanical pencil standing straight on the paper, your index finger on top of the pencil, and then by applying a bit of pressure with your index finger, the pencil will slide and the pencil trace on the paper will be the outcome of your move. Skilled players are good at controlling the direction and distance of the slide.

Plazzy said...

hey William, hows it going.

Yeah i know what you talking about...maybe i can take some pictures of it and put it up.

another 1 is those 小方格 exercise books, where you draw circles and "eat" up your opponents circles.

Anonymous said...

yeah you think you can steal my name but you can't because you're not pro like I am said...

Ciao form Italy